METALLICA: New Audio Interview With LARS ULRICH Available

October 21, 2008

METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich was interviewed last week by the "The Men's Room" on the Seattle station KISW 99.9 FM. Listen to the five-minute chat using the audio player below (scroll down and click on "Lars Ulrich Interview).

METALLICA kicks off its first North American indoor arena tour in almost four years on Tuesday (October 21) in Phoenix, Arizona. The band staged a "dress rehearsal" show for 1,200 friends, family and fan club members at the Cow Palace in San Francisco last Friday (October 17),unveiling the group's new stage show.

The 18-song set list from last Friday's rehearsal included five tunes from the new "Death Magnetic" album, as well as favorites like "Harvester of Sorrow", "One", "Enter Sandman", "The Four Horsemen" and "Master of Puppets".

Although METALLICA has played European festivals for the last couple of summers, and a few one-off U.S. shows, the band has not traveled extensively in North America since touring behind 2003's "St. Anger" album.

"Death Magnetic" has sold more than a million copies in the U.S. alone since coming out on September 12.

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